AJZEN, I, & FISHBEIN, M. 1975. Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior:
An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
BETTINGHAUS, E. Persuasive Communication. Library of Congress, 1973
BLACK and BRYANT, as cited by FLOR and ONGKIKO. 1998. Introduction to Development Communication. University of the Philippines Open University.
BOBO, K., et al. 2001. Organizing for social change. Midwest Academy: Manual for activists
BORRAS, S. Jr. 2006. Redistributive Land Reform in ‘Public’ (Forest) Lands? Lessons from the Philippines and their Implications for Land Reform Theory and Practice. Progress in Development Studies
CACIOPPO, J. and PETTY, R. 1989. Effects of Message Repetition on Argument Processing, Recall and Persuasion. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Ohio State University.
COOLEY, H. et al, 2006. Quoted by Hans-Joachim, Schubert. ‘The Foundation of Pragmatic Sociology’, Journal of Classical Sociology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 51-74.
CRAIG, R. T. 1999. ‘Communication Theory as a Field Communication Theory’, International Communication Association, vol. 9. Issue 2, p. 119.
DAR. 2006. CARP -CLOA Primer. Department of Agrarian Reform.
DAR 2008. A quick look at CARP in 20 years. Department of Agrarian Reform.
DEETZ, S. 1999. Theoretical Approaches to Participatory Communication - Participatory Democracy as a Normative Foundation for Communication Studies Hampton Press, Inc.
DONSBACH, W. (2008). The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing,
ERLBAUM, L. 1989. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
FORTIN, E. 2005. Reforming Land Rights: The World Bank and the Globalization of Agriculture. Social Legal Studies.
GUERRERO, A. 2006. Philippine Society and Revolution. Retieved [Novermber 2008] from
HOVLAND, C. IN CRAIG, R. AND MULLER, H. 2007. Theorizing Communication:Readings Across Traditions. Sage Publications, Inc. Pp. 319-324
KIM. I. 2003. Communication Strategies in the Laguna Lake Road Dike Project in
Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines. Master’s Thesis. College of Development
Communication, University of the Philippines- Los Baños.
KAMLONGERA, C. and MEFALOPULOS, P. 2004. Communication Strategy Design. Second Edition. SADC Centre of Communication for Development, Harare and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
KAY, L. 2008. Communication for Conflict Management in a Rural Resettlement Project of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Master’s Thesis. College of Development Communicatioin, University of the Philippines- Los Baños
KELLY, P. 1998. The politics of urban rural relations: land use conversion in the Philippines. Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 10, No. 1.
PROCHASKA, J. and VILICER, W. (1997), as cited by LEFEBVRE, RC (2000) Theories and Models in Social Marketing, Handbook of Marketing and Society, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications
LITTLEJOHN, S. and FOSS, K. 2008. Theories of Human Communication, Thomson Wadsworth
MARIANO, R. 2001. KMP-Peasant Movement of the Philippines, Genuine Agrarian Reform: Still a Distant Dream for the Philippine Peasantry. KMP.
MELKOTE, S. 2006. ‘Everette M. Rogers and his contributions to the field of communication and social change in developing countries’, Journal of creative communications, Vol. 1, No. 1, 111-12.
No Author. 2005. Bishop, Church, Pangileños start movement to save Sierra Madre. The Barangay
No Author. 1992. Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines. Department of Health, Philippines
O’KEEFE. D. J., Elaboration Likelihood Model. n.d. in Donsbach, Wolfgang. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing.
PUMALAG. 2007. Naghihingalong Lawa: Ang Kalagayan ng Lawa ng Laguna at mga Isyu, PowerPoint presentation.
QUEBRAL, N. C. 2008. Reflections in Development Communication. College of
Development Communication. University of the Philippines- Los Baños
RIEDINGER, J. 1995. Agrarian Reform in the Philippines: Democratic Transitions and Redistributive Reform, Stanford University Press.
ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, 1997. Communications and Social Change: Forging Strategies for the 21st Century, A Report on Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Conference,
SZECSKO, T. 1986. ‘Theses On the Democratization of Communication’, International Political Science Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, 435-442
VALDECANAS, et al, 1996. How Social Mobilization Works, UNICEF Manila.
VELASCO, M., et al, 1999. Communication and Social Marketing, College of
Development Communication. University of the Philippines- Los Baños
WILKINS, K. 2000. Redeveloping Communication for Social Change: Theory, Practice, and Power. Rowman & Littlefield.
Online References:
1. Laguna Lake Development Authority. nd. Laguna Lake Master Plan (accessed October 2008).
2. Official website of Laguna. nd. A Laguna Travelogue (accessed September 2008)
3. Laguna Lake Development Authority. 2005. The Laguna de Bay Environment Monitor. (LDBEM). (accessed November 2008)
4. Tariff Commission. nd.Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997. (accessed, October 2008) Republic Act No. 8435
5. Kilusan ng Magsasaka sa Pilipinas. 2000. Filipino Peasant Reclaim the Land in Defiance of Imperialist Globalization. (accessed October 2008)
6. Somalia Aid Coordinating Body (SACB), Health Sector Committee. nd. Malaria Communication Strategy for Somalia 2006-2010. (accessed, January 2009)
7. The Communication Initiative Network. nd. Communication for Social Change Forum, Organized by South Asia partnership, Canada. (accessed November 2008), 2003.
8. The Communication Initiative Network. nd.Communication approaches & strategies on HIV/AIDS. nd. (accessed January 2009)
9. Asian Development Bank. 2008. Adressing Fresh Water Conflicts: The LLDA experience in Laguna de Bay 2004. (accessed, October 2008)
10. Vista Pinas. 2008. Napindan Hydraulic Control Structure.. (accessed March 2009)
11. The Rockefeller Foundation. 1997. Communications and Social Change: Forging Strategies for the 21st Century. (accessed November 2008)
12. World Health Organization. 2001. World TB Day. (accessed 2008)
13. Community Organizers Multiversity 2008. History of Community Organizing in the Philippines (Accessed, March 2009)
14. The Energy Justice Network. 2007. Campus-Community Organizing Guide, accessed, March 2009)
15. The World Association for Christian Communication. 2008. Congress Declaration: Communicating people’s stories builds peace (accessed February 2009)
16. European Solidarity Conference on the Philippines. 1999. Coco Levy Funds Should be used to Develop Coconut Industry (accessed, December 2008)
An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
BETTINGHAUS, E. Persuasive Communication. Library of Congress, 1973
BLACK and BRYANT, as cited by FLOR and ONGKIKO. 1998. Introduction to Development Communication. University of the Philippines Open University.
BOBO, K., et al. 2001. Organizing for social change. Midwest Academy: Manual for activists
BORRAS, S. Jr. 2006. Redistributive Land Reform in ‘Public’ (Forest) Lands? Lessons from the Philippines and their Implications for Land Reform Theory and Practice. Progress in Development Studies
CACIOPPO, J. and PETTY, R. 1989. Effects of Message Repetition on Argument Processing, Recall and Persuasion. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Ohio State University.
COOLEY, H. et al, 2006. Quoted by Hans-Joachim, Schubert. ‘The Foundation of Pragmatic Sociology’, Journal of Classical Sociology, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 51-74.
CRAIG, R. T. 1999. ‘Communication Theory as a Field Communication Theory’, International Communication Association, vol. 9. Issue 2, p. 119.
DAR. 2006. CARP -CLOA Primer. Department of Agrarian Reform.
DAR 2008. A quick look at CARP in 20 years. Department of Agrarian Reform.
DEETZ, S. 1999. Theoretical Approaches to Participatory Communication - Participatory Democracy as a Normative Foundation for Communication Studies Hampton Press, Inc.
DONSBACH, W. (2008). The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing,
ERLBAUM, L. 1989. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
FORTIN, E. 2005. Reforming Land Rights: The World Bank and the Globalization of Agriculture. Social Legal Studies.
GUERRERO, A. 2006. Philippine Society and Revolution. Retieved [Novermber 2008] from
HOVLAND, C. IN CRAIG, R. AND MULLER, H. 2007. Theorizing Communication:Readings Across Traditions. Sage Publications, Inc. Pp. 319-324
KIM. I. 2003. Communication Strategies in the Laguna Lake Road Dike Project in
Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines. Master’s Thesis. College of Development
Communication, University of the Philippines- Los Baños.
KAMLONGERA, C. and MEFALOPULOS, P. 2004. Communication Strategy Design. Second Edition. SADC Centre of Communication for Development, Harare and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
KAY, L. 2008. Communication for Conflict Management in a Rural Resettlement Project of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Master’s Thesis. College of Development Communicatioin, University of the Philippines- Los Baños
KELLY, P. 1998. The politics of urban rural relations: land use conversion in the Philippines. Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 10, No. 1.
PROCHASKA, J. and VILICER, W. (1997), as cited by LEFEBVRE, RC (2000) Theories and Models in Social Marketing, Handbook of Marketing and Society, Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications
LITTLEJOHN, S. and FOSS, K. 2008. Theories of Human Communication, Thomson Wadsworth
MARIANO, R. 2001. KMP-Peasant Movement of the Philippines, Genuine Agrarian Reform: Still a Distant Dream for the Philippine Peasantry. KMP.
MELKOTE, S. 2006. ‘Everette M. Rogers and his contributions to the field of communication and social change in developing countries’, Journal of creative communications, Vol. 1, No. 1, 111-12.
No Author. 2005. Bishop, Church, Pangileños start movement to save Sierra Madre. The Barangay
No Author. 1992. Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippines. Department of Health, Philippines
O’KEEFE. D. J., Elaboration Likelihood Model. n.d. in Donsbach, Wolfgang. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing.
PUMALAG. 2007. Naghihingalong Lawa: Ang Kalagayan ng Lawa ng Laguna at mga Isyu, PowerPoint presentation.
QUEBRAL, N. C. 2008. Reflections in Development Communication. College of
Development Communication. University of the Philippines- Los Baños
RIEDINGER, J. 1995. Agrarian Reform in the Philippines: Democratic Transitions and Redistributive Reform, Stanford University Press.
ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION, 1997. Communications and Social Change: Forging Strategies for the 21st Century, A Report on Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Conference,
SZECSKO, T. 1986. ‘Theses On the Democratization of Communication’, International Political Science Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, 435-442
VALDECANAS, et al, 1996. How Social Mobilization Works, UNICEF Manila.
VELASCO, M., et al, 1999. Communication and Social Marketing, College of
Development Communication. University of the Philippines- Los Baños
WILKINS, K. 2000. Redeveloping Communication for Social Change: Theory, Practice, and Power. Rowman & Littlefield.
Online References:
1. Laguna Lake Development Authority. nd. Laguna Lake Master Plan (accessed October 2008).
2. Official website of Laguna. nd. A Laguna Travelogue (accessed September 2008)
3. Laguna Lake Development Authority. 2005. The Laguna de Bay Environment Monitor. (LDBEM). (accessed November 2008)
4. Tariff Commission. nd.Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997. (accessed, October 2008) Republic Act No. 8435
5. Kilusan ng Magsasaka sa Pilipinas. 2000. Filipino Peasant Reclaim the Land in Defiance of Imperialist Globalization. (accessed October 2008)
6. Somalia Aid Coordinating Body (SACB), Health Sector Committee. nd. Malaria Communication Strategy for Somalia 2006-2010. (accessed, January 2009)
7. The Communication Initiative Network. nd. Communication for Social Change Forum, Organized by South Asia partnership, Canada. (accessed November 2008), 2003.
8. The Communication Initiative Network. nd.Communication approaches & strategies on HIV/AIDS. nd. (accessed January 2009)
9. Asian Development Bank. 2008. Adressing Fresh Water Conflicts: The LLDA experience in Laguna de Bay 2004. (accessed, October 2008)
10. Vista Pinas. 2008. Napindan Hydraulic Control Structure.. (accessed March 2009)
11. The Rockefeller Foundation. 1997. Communications and Social Change: Forging Strategies for the 21st Century. (accessed November 2008)
12. World Health Organization. 2001. World TB Day. (accessed 2008)
13. Community Organizers Multiversity 2008. History of Community Organizing in the Philippines (Accessed, March 2009)
14. The Energy Justice Network. 2007. Campus-Community Organizing Guide, accessed, March 2009)
15. The World Association for Christian Communication. 2008. Congress Declaration: Communicating people’s stories builds peace (accessed February 2009)
16. European Solidarity Conference on the Philippines. 1999. Coco Levy Funds Should be used to Develop Coconut Industry (accessed, December 2008)
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